The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is for adults who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Adults who have not been baptized, those who desire full Communion with the Catholic Church, and adults seeking to be Confirmed are invited to join us. The program starts with a period of instruction, and progresses into a more in-depth experience of Catholicism and then invites participants into a process of formal initiation.
The 2024/2025 RCIA classes are held every Tuesday evening between 7 PM and 9 PM and will begin on September 10th with Mass in the church at 7 PM.
Interested in the RCIA Program? Fill out our Adult Inquirer Information Form below and send it to the parish office ([email protected])
Download the Adult Inquirer Information Form
For all other questions, please contact Deacon Steve Potusek ([email protected]) or Fr. Patrick Le ([email protected])