6 Daily Habits for Spiritual Resiliency

by Father John O'Brien, SJ

Life with Jesus is transformed by the small and daily decisions to follow Him.

Start the six daily habits

“The basis of holiness is the same as any relationship, whether with spouse, family or good friends. If we want to come to know and love Jesus, we have to spend quality time with him — and on a daily basis. It’s the work of a lifetime, but we start with today.” - Fr John O’Brien Our parish wants to invite you into more with Jesus. This free guide is a way for anyone to grow in their spiritual life, especially for those that feel stuck with God. Fr. John’s simple recommendations will not overwhelm you or require you to give up every spare moment in an already busy life. These habits will give you a framework on which to grow if your spiritual life has become a place of exhaustion and not rest. Wherever you are in your faith journey, I encourage you to read these words prayerfully and commit yourself to the slow, ordinary journey of becoming the kind of person who experiences the abundant life Jesus promises.

The 6 Habits
Habit #1 The Morning Offering

Morning and evening are the bookends of our day, two “mystical times”, in which we are, in a way, closest to God. Upon waking, you can turn your first thoughts to God and make a prayer.

Habit #2 Praying with Scripture

In the Christian tradition, prayer is considered to be a pure gift of God. We can begin this conversation by immersing in the Word of God, which we are told is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12).

Habit #3 Contemplate Something Beautiful

As human society drifts from the truth and goodness rooted in the worship of Christ, a certain banality reveals itself more and more. What we long for is to be pierced by real beauty, which stirs the heart to greater things.

Habit #4 The Good Turn

The Boy Scouts commit to doing a good deed each day, something they call “the Good Turn”. They are taught to do one act of kindness or a little service beyond their daily obligations to form themselves to be generous. The habit of doing one intentional “extra” act of kindness is key to developing your altruistic muscles.

Habit #5 Spiritual Reading

Many a saint, it is said, has been made from the practice of spiritual reading. A few moments dedicated each day to this will reap its rewards.

Habit #6 The Evening Examen

Taking 5-10 minutes at the end of the day to do an examination of the how the day went, gives exponential gains in the spiritual life. This habit helps increase awareness of the originating impulses (spirits, both good and bad) behind my attitudes, thoughts and actions, in order to better discern them in the future, and order my life towards God.

Six daily habits book

Easy practices to implement into your life • Prayer structures to build yourself • Recommended prayers to use at different times in your day • A primer on Ignatian Discernment • Lists of practical resources • The abundant life comes about by practicing the lifestyle of Jesus, adopting and adapting His habits to be our own.

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